Frongaer Access Statement

Please find below statement describing access, facilities and procedures at Frongaer Bed and Breakfast. Should you require any additional advice or further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Accessibility to Frongaer

Frongaer is accessed from the road through a gate. This is usually shut, should you need assistance on arrival please telephone us and we can arrange for the gate to be left open.
The drive and car park area is block paved and level. There is room to park close to the front door.
Access into the building is through the front door with a step of 19cm.

Accessibility on Ground Floor 

Located on the ground floor is the lounge, library, toilet and kitchen conservatory. The ground floor is level throughout.
All internal doors are of standard width.
The lounge area and library are carpeted with a short pile. The hallway is wooden flooring and the kitchen conservatory is tiled.
All rooms have good natural light.
Mobile phone coverage is reasonable but the coverage can vary for each network.

Accessibility to Accommodation

Rooms are accessed by 19 steps with a rise of 20cm and depth 25 cm per step.
Rooms are located on the first floor.
Rooms are kingsize double with en-suite. There are no grab rails within the en-suite. 
En-suite rooms have shower facilities. At present there are no rooms with a bath.
Bedrooms are spacious and have good natural light.
We can offer help with luggage.  

Accessibility to Kitchen Conservatory

Located on the ground floor the kitchen conservatory is large and spacious.
Table top height is 30cm and chair height is 18cm.
Breakfast menu is available in English. 

Emergency Actions

Each floor and bedrooms have an audible fire alarm.
Portable emergency lighting is provided in bedrooms.
The owners have the responsibility to ensure all guests are evacuated in the event of fire or emergency.

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